Shirdi Sai Baba Birthday
Shri Shirdi Baba Ji birthday (according to the Gregorian Calendar) falls on September 28. Please read on for an excerpt from the 1991 discourse where Swami reveals this hitherto unknown fact about Shirdi Baba’s birth.
During His Divine Discourse at Prasanthi Nilayam on September 28, 1991, Swami revealed the following interesting details about the Trinity of Sai Avatars:
“In the former Nizam’s dominions, there was a remote village called Pathri. In that village there were a couple named Gangabhavadya and Devagiriamma. They were grieving over the lack of children. In answer to their prayers a son was born on September 28, 1835. Today is the anniversary of that day. The child was Sai Baba.
His Samadhi (death) occurred on Vijayadasami day in 1918. September 28, 1835 was his date of birth. On Vijayadasami day, he gave up his body. Although this year Vijayadasami falls on September 29th, in the year of Baba’s Samadhi the date was different.
“The first advent of Sai was in Maharashtra. The second advent will be in Madras,” Shirdi Baba said. It should be noted that when this form (Sathya Sai) made its advent, Andhra Pradesh was part of Madras Presidency. When he was asked, in what form the next advent would take place, Shirdi Baba told Abdul Baba alone: “I will give darsan in the name of Sathya for upholding Truth.” That is the present advent.
The two bodies are different, but the Divinity is one. The first advent was revealing Divinity. The second advent is to awaken the Divinity (in human beings). The next advent is for propagating Divinity. The three Sai’s are: Shirdi Sai, Sathya Sai and Prema Sai.
The reason for relating all this is that today happens to be the birthday of Shirdi Baba (September 28,1835). He attained Samadhi in 1918. Bodies are transient. These vestures are assumed only for the sake of devotees. Unless the Divine comes with a form, no one